Hey! I am

Darshan Shah

I'm a


About Me

Welcome to my world, where tech expertise meets a love for literature and human behavior. I'm passionate about crime thrillers, philosophy, and psychology. Science fiction fuels my imagination and inspires my interest in startups. In the space between code and stories, I explore the power of technology and the human spirit.

  • Name: Darshan Shah
  • Date of birth: October 15, 1997
  • Address: Massachusetts, United Stats
  • Email: sdarshan1510@gmail.com
  • Phone: +1 (857) 423-5761



Master of Science in Computer Science

Northeastern University - Khoury college of computer science

Related Courses: Program Design Paradigm, Information retrieval, Web Development, Algorithms.


Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering

Gujarat Technological University

Related Courses: Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analytics, Data Mining and Business Intelligence, Vector Calculus and Linear Algebra, Analysis and Design of Algorithms, Software Engineering.


May 2022 - Aug 2023

Senior Software Engineer

  • Streamlined front-end development by assembling reusable React components, blending custom and existing Node Package Manager, Material UI, Bootstrap, and CSS elements, enhancing UI consistency and accelerating development by 20%.
  • Spearheaded the development of pivotal product features, including networking groups, targeted advertisement and user timeline functionalities, leading to a 30% surge in user engagement and a 25% increase in daily platform activity.
  • Implemented Redis caching mechanism for user feeds, achieving a 40% improvement in response times and significantly reducing server load.
  • Integrated Stripe for seamless payment processing, improving transaction handling and user experience.
  • Utilized Docker to containerize applications, ensuring consistent development, testing, and production environments.
  • Optimized search capabilities by integrating Elasticsearch, resulting in a 30% improvement in search accuracy and performance.
  • Established key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics to aggregate business intelligence data from various back-end services and databases, resulting in a 40% reduction in decision-making time.
Dec 2020 - Apr 2022

Software Engineer

  • Contributed to the transformation of a legacy monolithic system to a microservices architecture utilizing Java, Spring Boot and React, achieving a 30% improvement in system efficiency and scalability.
  • Focused on producing testable, scalable, and efficient code to ensure high-quality software deliverables.
  • Initiated and executed the complete design and implementation of the user timeline feature, resulting in a significant increase in user traffic.
  • Collaborated with product leads using Kanban board to design and prioritize features, driving efficient project execution and playing a key role in sprint planning and quarterly goal-setting for the team.
  • Identified and resolved over 80 critical bugs, leading to a 20% increase in registrations and enhancing the overall user experience
May 2019 - Dec 2020

Java Developer

  • Collaborated with 2 cross-functional Scrum teams to successfully implement 3 major projects, fostering Agile practices, enhancing problem-solving abilities and promoting a culture of continuous learning in the Software Development Life Cycle
  • Incorporated design patterns to improve code reusability by 30%, streamlining the development process.
  • Engineered and deployed RESTful APIs for mobile platforms using Spring Boot, reducing integration time by 25%.
  • Leveraged AWS services including EC2 for scalable computing, S3 for reliable storage, Lambda for serverless computing, RDS for relational databases, and CodeCommit for version control to streamline application deployment and reduce infrastructure costs.
  • Architected and engineered a robust notification and calendar system serving the demands of over 10,000 users, supporting 50+ varied notification types delivered through SMS, email and push notifications.
  • Integrated multiple third-party APIs and SDKs into projects, enhancing functionality and expanding capabilities.
  • Conducted code reviews and developed unit tests as well as integration tests using JUnit.
  • Utilized Kafka for real-time data ingestion and processing, providing timely insights and supporting decision-making processes.
  • Received the ‘Employee of the Month’ Award for January 2020 in recognition of outstanding contributions and dedication to excellence.

Technical Knowledge



Spring MVC/Boot








React JS

Skills: Full Stack Development, Backend and Frontend Development, Test-driven Development, OOP, Design Patterns, RESTful APIs, Software Architecture, System Design
Languages and Frameworks: Java, Python, SQL, JavaScript, Typescript, HTML5, CSS3, Spring Boot, Node.js, Angular.js React.js, Shell script, Express.js, JQuery, FastAPI, Django, Next.js, Bash, Vue.js
Testing and Tools: Docker, Jenkins, Git, Kafka, RabbitMQ, Jira, Eclipse, Spring Tool Suite, VS Code, IntelliJ, JUnit, Bootstrap, Postman, Redux, Windows, Linux, Selenium, Github, Gitab, Bitbucket
Database and Cloud: MongoDB, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Elasticsearch, AWS, MySQL, Oracle, GCP, Firebase


January 2020

Employee of the month


Awarded with employee of the month for my dedication and work for the company.

March 2019

Open house - Project Showcase

Gujarat Technological University

Our team came 3rd among 16 other participant teams during the Open house event organized in college's computer department


My Projects

The projects that I've worked on for self learning, academics and industry.

Academic Projects

Smart Healthcare System

Gujarat Technological University

Tools: Java-8, Spring-MVC, Hibernate, JSP, MySql, Heroku

  • Developed a comprehensive healthcare web application for doctors, patients, and pathologists.
  • Stored patients' medical history for future reference and assistance to doctors.
  • Enabled pathologists to send reports to doctors and patients via email.
  • Implemented a symptom checker feature for patients to identify possible diseases.
  • Integrated the Infermedica API for accurate disease diagnosis based on symptoms.
  • Provided users with a list of generic medicines based on the identified diseases.

Kanbas Web Application

Northeastern University

Tools: React.js, Node.js, Javascript, Typescript, HTML, CSS, MongoDB

  • Developed a clone of the Canvas application using React.js, Typescript, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, MongoDB, and Node.js.
  • Implemented user authentication and authorization using JWT (JSON Web Tokens).
  • Created a responsive user interface with features like creating and managing courses, assignments, and discussions.
  • Integrated real-time collaboration using WebSockets for live updates and notifications.
  • Implemented a grading system with the ability to submit and grade assignments.
  • Developed a messaging system for communication between instructors and students.
  • Implemented file upload and download functionality for course materials.
  • Utilized MongoDB for storing and retrieving data.

Image Manipulation & Enhancement

Northeastern University

Tools: Java-8, Spring-MVC, Hibernate, JSP, MySql, Heroku

  • Designed and implemented an image editor application using JavaFX, adhering to the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, ensuring SOLID principles and design patterns.
  • Ensured stable performance, resolving 94% of errors and testing with Test-Driven Development for over 80% test coverage
  • Implemented features like image cropping, resizing, rotation, filters, and color adjustments.
  • Utilized JavaFX libraries for user interface components and Java ImageIO for image processing.
  • Integrated with external libraries for advanced image manipulation techniques.
  • Implemented image enhancement algorithms like histogram equalization and Image Compression.

Career Cupid

Northeastern University

Tools: React.js, Node.js, Javascript, Typescript, HTML, CSS, MongoDB

  • Developed a web application called Career Cupid as part of a web development coursework.
  • Implemented both the frontend and backend using React.js, Node.js, JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, and MongoDB.
  • The project was an amalgamation of Tinder and LinkedIn, providing a platform for professionals to connect and explore career opportunities.
  • Integrated the Levels.fyi API to provide salary information and company details.
  • Implemented features like user authentication, profile creation, job search, and matching algorithms.
  • Designed a responsive and user-friendly interface for seamless user experience.

Everything at fingertips

Gujarat Technological University
  • Developed a Small Web Application inspired by JustDial where users can find anything based on search parameters.
  • Utilized SQL database to store sample data for search queries.
  • Implemented search functionality to retrieve requested items.
  • Added additional features such as user registration and login.
  • Implemented user reviews and ratings for listed items.
  • Designed a responsive and user-friendly interface for seamless user experience.

Car Pooling

Gujarat Technological University
  • Developed a prototype of CarPooling system as a Part of Design Engineering subject which can be used by anyone who wants to provide a lift and someone who wants take a lift.
  • Implemented features like user registration, ride posting, and ride searching.
  • Designed a responsive and user-friendly interface for seamless user experience.
  • Utilized a database to store user information and ride details.
  • Implemented a matching algorithm to connect riders and drivers based on their preferences and locations.
  • Provided a rating and review system for users to provide feedback on their carpooling experiences.

Enterprise Projects


Tools: Java-8, Spring-Boot, MongoDB, Elastic Search, React JS, Kafka, Docker

  • Revamped the MyTradeZone platform, resulting in a 30% increase in user engagement and a 20% increase in user satisfaction.
  • Collaborated with product managers and story owners to design and implement new features, resulting in a 25% increase in user acquisition.
  • Developed KPIs and metrics to generate Business Intelligent data, resulting in a 15% improvement in decision-making processes.
  • Designed and implemented user timeline and group features from scratch, resulting in a 40% increase in user interaction.
  • Wrote migration scripts for MongoDB, resulting in a seamless transition to a new database system.


Tools: Java-8, Spring-Boot, Spring-cloud, PostgresSQL, AWS(CodeCommit,RDS), Elastic Search, Kafka

  • Played a key role in designing and implementing the backend architecture for MyHealthClinic, resulting in a 25% improvement in system performance.
  • Implemented elastic search and Kafka messaging broker to enhance the search experience and enable asynchronous communication between services, resulting in a 30% reduction in response time.
  • Integrated the Twilio SDK for video calling, resulting in a seamless teleconsultation experience for users.

Virtual Site Inspection

Tools: Java-8, Spring-Boot, MsSQL, RabbitMQ, ASP.NET, Jenkins, Kafka

  • Provided efficient database design for Virtual Site Inspection, resulting in a 20% improvement in data retrieval speed.
  • Developed REST APIs for the web portal and mobile application, resulting in a seamless user experience for over 10,000 users.
  • Designed and implemented the Calendar Architecture and the Notification architecture, resulting in a 30% improvement in scheduling and notification processes.
  • Implemented the factory pattern to add flexibility and scalability to the notification and calendar architecture, resulting in a 25% reduction in development time for new features.


Tools: Java-8, Spring-Boot, MongoDB, RabbitMQ, Jenkins, Firebase

  • Contributed to the development of REST APIs for the iOS and Android devices, resulting in a 40% increase in user engagement.
  • Played a crucial role in deciding the project architecture and database design, resulting in a scalable and efficient system.
  • Integrated various third-party APIs like Twilio Message, SerpAPI, and haveIbeenPawned, resulting in enhanced functionality and security.
  • Performed day-to-day agile ceremonies on JIRA in collaboration with the engineering team, resulting in improved project management and coordination.
  • Contributed to the successful launch of the product on the App Store, resulting in positive user feedback and increased downloads.

Personal Projects

Twitter Bot

Tools: Node JS, Heroku, MongoDB, Twitter SDK(NPM)

  • Designed and implemented this twitter bot which uses node js in the backend and twitter sdk to send the tweets to twitter.
  • Implemented a scheduling feature to post tweets at specific times of the day.
  • Integrated MongoDB to store tweet data and track performance metrics.
  • Utilized the Twitter SDK to interact with the Twitter API and send tweets.
  • The bot has been deployed to Heroku.

Covid19 Tracker Web Application

Tools: React JS, Netlify

  • Utilized React JS to build a responsive and interactive user interface.
  • Integrated API calls to fetch real-time COVID-19 data.
  • Implemented data visualization using charts and graphs.

GRPC user service

Tools: Node JS, GRPC, MongoDB

  • Developed a GRPC user service using Node.js and MongoDB.
  • Implemented CRUD operations for managing user data.
  • Utilized GRPC for efficient communication between client and server.

Personal blogging website

Tools: Next JS, Netlify

  • Developed a blogging website using Next.js, leveraging its capabilities for server-side rendering and static site generation.
  • Created a responsive and modern design with user-friendly navigation.
  • Integrated Markdown for easy content creation, with dynamic routing and static generation for SEO-friendly pages.


Tools: Node js, Xero-SDK, Docker

  • Developed seamless integration with the Xero accounting API to automate financial data synchronization and management.
  • Utilized Docker to containerize the application, ensuring consistent and scalable deployment across different environments.

Open book search

Tools: React js, Typescript, Boostrap, Netlify

  • A simple web application built with TypeScript, React, and React Bootstrap that allows users to search for books using the Open Library API.
  • Users can enter a book name, toggle sorting by relevance or year of publication, and navigate through paginated search results.

I'm Available for new Opportunities

I would love to apply and expand my skills and knowledge in software devlopment in your company.

Hire me


Contact Me

If you are a recruiter/student/tech enthusiast, feel free to contact me any time!